Global Activities
Our activities Europe
We provided gearbox services all over the world. As our headquarters are located in The Netherlands in Europe, we do a lot of gearbox related project in this region. Listed below are a selection of projects we have done in the past. By clicking on one of the links, you can read more details and view pictures of our work.

Update 22-5-2014
The list below shows a selection of the projects we have done, except projects in The Netherlands and Belgium, sorted by country:
The conversion operations consists of:
- Disassembling, cleaning and inspection of the gearbox.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Stop point.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Renewing of the pinion and the journal bearings of the gearbox.
- Renewing of the bullgear and re-using of the output shaft.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of the propulsion gearbox onboard.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Inspecting or checking of the axial pads and on height scraping.
- The on-site help to install and adjust the axial pads.
- The on-site help to complete alignment of the installation.
- The on-site help to install and adjust the axial pads.
- The on-site help to complete alignment of the installation.
Production of a set of gears for an anchor winch and onsite assembly.
- Repair of leaking seals of the clutch.
- Inspection of the total clutch in Bakoe.
- Inspection of the total clutch in Bakoe.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Stop point.
PIV BLC-250-12V
- Gearbox show a heightened level of vibration TPV the teeth.
- Inspection in 2 days
- Performing: - Gearbox after entry immediately disassembled and inspected
- Any damage capturing by pictures
- Drawing up a complete inspection-report
- Stop Point.
- Inspection in 2 days
- Performing: - Gearbox after entry immediately disassembled and inspected
- Any damage capturing by pictures
- Drawing up a complete inspection-report
- Stop Point.
- Disassembling, cleaning and visual inspection on gearbox SANTASALO-2C355-EY2.
- Reporting and making a revision proposal.
- Assembling revision according to revision proposal.
- Performing a test run with a test run report.
- Reporting and making a revision proposal.
- Assembling revision according to revision proposal.
- Performing a test run with a test run report.
- Disassembling, cleaning and inspection on gearbox SANTASALO-3TKC280-N.
- Reporting and making a revision proposal.
- Assembling and revision according to revision proposal.
- Performing a test run with a test run report.
- Reporting and making a revision proposal.
- Assembling and revision according to revision proposal.
- Performing a test run with a test run report.
Disassembling, cleaning and inspection on gearbox STORD-RS64. Setting up a complete inspection report.
Making a revision proposal. Assembling and revision according to revision proposal.
Making a revision proposal. Assembling and revision according to revision proposal.
- Performing a visual inspection on gearbox.
- Adjusting the alignment of the E-motor and checking.
- Analyzing and reporting.
- Adjusting the alignment of the E-motor and checking.
- Analyzing and reporting.
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC6066 gearbox
Scope of work:
- Overhaul Propulsion GBX malfunction of input shaft, gearwheel side bearing.
During the repair and sea trial it can be concluded that the gearbox is overhauled successfully.
Scope of work:
- Overhaul Propulsion GBX malfunction of input shaft, gearwheel side bearing.
During the repair and sea trial it can be concluded that the gearbox is overhauled successfully.
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC6066 gearbox
Scope of work:
- Inspection Propulsion GBX, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Micro pitting has been found on the following flanks:
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD gearwheel working flank (1st stage).
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD drum gear working flank (2nd stage).
The micro pitting is most likely formed in the last 2.5 months, the micro pitting could be initiated by small hard metal particles in the lubrication oil.
Micro pitting and in line pitting has been observed on the following flanks:
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD pinion working flank (3rd stage).
- Output shaft gearwheel working flank. AHEAD
Scope of work:
- Inspection Propulsion GBX, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Micro pitting has been found on the following flanks:
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD gearwheel working flank (1st stage).
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD drum gear working flank (2nd stage).
The micro pitting is most likely formed in the last 2.5 months, the micro pitting could be initiated by small hard metal particles in the lubrication oil.
Micro pitting and in line pitting has been observed on the following flanks:
- Intermediate shaft AHEAD pinion working flank (3rd stage).
- Output shaft gearwheel working flank. AHEAD
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC 6066 gearbox
Scope of work:
- Visual inspection propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Small leakages were observed around the gearbox oil pipes and covers.
Micro pitting is observed on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft ahead and working flank on the output shaft gearwheel of the output shaft.
Small steel particles were observed in the filter elements.
The bearings that were visible by eye show running marks. (the pictures taken with our camera were not detailed enough to add in the report) (endoscope was not available during inspection)
Scope of work:
- Visual inspection propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Small leakages were observed around the gearbox oil pipes and covers.
Micro pitting is observed on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft ahead and working flank on the output shaft gearwheel of the output shaft.
Small steel particles were observed in the filter elements.
The bearings that were visible by eye show running marks. (the pictures taken with our camera were not detailed enough to add in the report) (endoscope was not available during inspection)
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC 6066 gearbox
Scope of work:
- Visual inspection propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Small leakages were observed around the gearbox oil pipes and covers.
Micro pitting is observed on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft ahead and working flank on the output shaft gearwheel of the output shaft.
Small steel particles were observed in the filter elements, most of these particles were brass material. This can be caused by wear on the clutch plates, or from the bearings with brass cages.
The bearings that were visible by eye show running marks. (the pictures taken with our camera were not detailed en
Scope of work:
- Visual inspection propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Small leakages were observed around the gearbox oil pipes and covers.
Micro pitting is observed on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft ahead and working flank on the output shaft gearwheel of the output shaft.
Small steel particles were observed in the filter elements, most of these particles were brass material. This can be caused by wear on the clutch plates, or from the bearings with brass cages.
The bearings that were visible by eye show running marks. (the pictures taken with our camera were not detailed en
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC 6066 gearbox
Scoop of work:
- Inpection Propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Micro pitting is found on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft AHEAD and working flank of the Bull gear of the output shaft.
Micro pitting is a phenomenon that can be found on (hardened) gears. Multiple factors can affect the development of micro pitting, most important factors are surface roughness, lubrication or an incorrect gear mesh. The damage shows itself by a matted grey colour of the teeth. This as outcome of surface fatigue. The development of the micro pitting can be stabilized or progressive. A progressive development can eventual
Scoop of work:
- Inpection Propulsion gearbox, Hangzhou Advance GWC 6066
Micro pitting is found on the working flank of the pinion gear of the intermediate shaft AHEAD and working flank of the Bull gear of the output shaft.
Micro pitting is a phenomenon that can be found on (hardened) gears. Multiple factors can affect the development of micro pitting, most important factors are surface roughness, lubrication or an incorrect gear mesh. The damage shows itself by a matted grey colour of the teeth. This as outcome of surface fatigue. The development of the micro pitting can be stabilized or progressive. A progressive development can eventual
Inspection and repair on HANGZOU ADVANCE GEARBOX GWC 6066 gearbox
Scoop of work:
- Repair Propulsion gearbox malfunction of input shaft, gearwheel side bearing.
During this repair the bearing input-shaft (gear wheel side) was damaged. All the roller-bearings of this gearbox are renewed. The 1st and 2nd stage gearwheels and output shaft white-metal bearings are manually dressed up.
Micro pitting is a phenomenon that can be found on (hardened) gears. Multiple factors can affect the development of micro pitting, most important factors are surface roughness, lubrication or an incorrect gear mesh. The damage shows itself by a matted grey colour of the teeth. This as outcome of surface fatigue. The development
Scoop of work:
- Repair Propulsion gearbox malfunction of input shaft, gearwheel side bearing.
During this repair the bearing input-shaft (gear wheel side) was damaged. All the roller-bearings of this gearbox are renewed. The 1st and 2nd stage gearwheels and output shaft white-metal bearings are manually dressed up.
Micro pitting is a phenomenon that can be found on (hardened) gears. Multiple factors can affect the development of micro pitting, most important factors are surface roughness, lubrication or an incorrect gear mesh. The damage shows itself by a matted grey colour of the teeth. This as outcome of surface fatigue. The development
We performed an inspection and repair on a M.A.N. gearbox
M.A.N. 08-208
- Renewing of the bullgear and re-using of the output shaft.
Visual inspection on gearbox Lohmann & Stolterfoht.
Inspection on the starboard side propulsion gearbox.
Complete inspection report.
Inspection on the starboard side propulsion gearbox.
Complete inspection report.
At the request of our customers from Denmark, we have a repair job done on board in the port of Rotterdam. There were already complaints, so for sure one of the bores should be re-machined. Before we had to dismantle the complete gearbox and the upper casing transported to our workshop. In-house we have the machining done. Obviously we performed a further inspection. The entire repair has occurred under approval of Bureau Veritas.
Inspection of gearbox Lohmann & Stolterfoht GCS 800 in Kalundborg.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Replacement of the seals at the input and output shafts.
- Replacement of pump seals and rotary sealing part (by TWK).
- Replacement of control boxes for pneumatic circuit by new engineered boxes.
- The installation of the new control boxes.
- The functioning of the control box testing.
- Inspection of the overall condition of bearings, gears, shutters and labyrinths, due leakage problems.
- Replacement of pump seals and rotary sealing part (by TWK).
- Replacement of control boxes for pneumatic circuit by new engineered boxes.
- The installation of the new control boxes.
- The functioning of the control box testing.
- Inspection of the overall condition of bearings, gears, shutters and labyrinths, due leakage problems.
Inspection of three wind turbines in Finland.
We performed:
- Disassembling.
- Cleaning.
- Inspection with inspection report.
We performed:
- Disassembling.
- Cleaning.
- Inspection with inspection report.
HANSEN EH601-J21-BN-98
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox Jahnel Kestermann CSN 320.