Our activities in the Maritime Industry
Presentation of our Maritime projects
On this page you will find an overview of projects we have done in the maritime industry, dredging is excluded, we have a separate category for that. If you click on one of the links below, you will see all the details of the project.
We performed an inspection and revision on HALBERG RTDB 1000-76x2 106364.
We performed an inspection and revision on FLENDER gearbox G1VY size 670.
We performed an inspection and revision on gearbox ASUG GVE 800x3,75-800x0,4.
The conversion operations consists of:
Performing of a visual inspection of the gearbox.
Deploying of the inspection report.
We performed an inspection and revision on gearbox ASUG GDG 1265x8,9.
The conversion operations consists of:
Performing of a visual inspection of the gearbox.
Deploying of the inspection report.
Stop point.
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox LOHMANN & STOLTERFOHT GCS850.
We performed an inspection and revision on FLENDER gearbox G1VY.
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox RENK AWS-315.
Disassembly on board
- All piping and electric connections were removed.
- Hydraulic pump for the rudder control was removed.
- The input shaft coupling was disconnected from the main engine.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of the propulsion gearbox onboard.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of the propulsion gearbox onboard.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Disassembling, cleaning and inspection of the gearbox.
- Performing of the repair constructions.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of the two propulsion gearboxes onboard.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the bearings of the gearbox.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of the two propulsion gearboxes onboard.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the bearings of the gearbox.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of all bearings and gears.
- Measurement of the bearings for side clearances.
- Inspection of the oil filters.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection.
- Performing of the repair constructions.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing of a visual inspection of all bearings and gears with the aid of an endoscope and a camera.
- Measurement of the side clearance on the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Disassembling and ispection of the gearbox on location.
- Renewing of the axial-radial bearings of the input hollow shaft.
- Refacing bearing surfaces of the hollow shaft.
The conversion operations consists of:
- Performing a visual inspection.
- Controlling the first intermediate shaft for micro pitting.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection.
- Bringing back of the oil level under the maximum allowed.
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox VALMET S1G-280ARIT1F GEARBOX.
We performed an inspection and overhaul on a gearbox WGW 280-S-50.
The conversion operations consists of:
-Complete overhaul of the winches and pulley blocks.
-Composing inspection report and advice.
-Disassembly of the pulley blocks.
-Transport to GBS.
-Manufacture of certified shafts, bearings, couplings, chains and gears (Lloyd's classification).
-Applying a two-layer seawater-resistant coating.
The conversion operations consists of:
-Complete overhaul of the winches and pulley blocks.
-Composing inspection report and advice.
-Disassembly of the pulley blocks.
-Transport to GBS.
-Manufacture of certified shafts, bearings, couplings, chains and gears (Lloyd's classification).
-Applying a two-layer seawater-resistant coating.
WGW 280-S-50
We performed an inspection and revision on HALBERG RTDB 1000-76x2 106364.
HALBERG RTDB 1000-76x2
We performed an inspection and revision on FLENDER gearbox G1VY size 670.
FLENDER G1VY size 670
We performed an inspection and revision on gearbox ASUG GVE 800x3,75-800x0,4.
The conversion operations consists of:
Performing of a visual inspection of the gearbox.
Deploying of the inspection report.
ASUG GVE 800x3,75-800x0,4
We performed an inspection and revision on gearbox ASUG GDG 1265x8,9.
The conversion operations consists of:
Performing of a visual inspection of the gearbox.
Deploying of the inspection report.
Stop point.
ASUG GDG 1265x8,9
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox LOHMANN & STOLTERFOHT GCS850.
We performed an inspection and revision on FLENDER gearbox G1VY.
We performed an inspection and repair on a gearbox RENK AWS-315.
- Hydraulic pump for the rudder control was removed.
- The input shaft coupling was disconnected from the main engine.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the gears and the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Performing of the repair constructions.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the bearings of the gearbox.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection to check the bearings of the gearbox.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
- Measurement of the bearings for side clearances.
- Inspection of the oil filters.
- Performing of the repair constructions.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
This presents the findings of the visual inspection, vibration analysis and shaft
alignment check, performed on the generator gearbox of Asug. For the
inspection of the gears and bearings of the gearbox, a videoscope was used.
Clear images can be viewed and recorded by a videoscope at locations with
limited accessibility.
alignment check, performed on the generator gearbox of Asug. For the
inspection of the gears and bearings of the gearbox, a videoscope was used.
Clear images can be viewed and recorded by a videoscope at locations with
limited accessibility.
ASUG STG-2-900
- Measurement of the side clearance on the bearings.
- Deploying of the inspection report.
Performing on site:
Visual inspection on gearbox Renk hsusl-1020.
Inspection on the oil filters.
Visual inspection on gearbox Renk hsusl-1020.
Inspection on the oil filters.
- Renewing of the axial-radial bearings of the input hollow shaft.
- Refacing bearing surfaces of the hollow shaft.
- Controlling the first intermediate shaft for micro pitting.
- Performing of a videoscopic inspection.
- Bringing back of the oil level under the maximum allowed.