GBS Gearbox Services international

Our experience in Hansen windturbine inspections

GBS Gearbox Services international is the fastest, full service, worldwide specialist in gearbox inspection and repair of Hansen windturbine gearboxes. We have executed many inspections on wind turbines with this type of gearboxes and therewith know where to look in more detail. Our inspected windfarms where all over Europe. We got those inspection orders by energy companies, insurance companies, windmill suppliers and independant service companies. Taking the latest innovations of our gearbox service experts, our goal is to get, often mission critical, gearboxes back into production at the shortest timespan possible. We have a winning track record in Hansen servicing! Having experience with a wide variaty of brands, we know the weakspots and strengths of any brand and can not only repair but often improve the reliability of any gearbox.
Brook Hansen gearboxes are mostly found in gear-driven wind turbines globally and provide durable gear drives for a wide range of industrial applications throughout the world. The SB technological leadership in gearbox services knows Brook Hansen inside out and offers the fastest, most relaible solutions to any service request you might have. On all the Wind turbine, including the multi-MW wind turbine systems and industrial gearboxes.
Our Technicians have experience on the Hansen EF and EH gearboxes
GBS Gearbox Services international technicians have executed many inspections on wind turbines with HANSEN gearboxes and therewith know where to look in more detail. Our inspected windfarms where all over Europe. We got those inspection orders by energy companies, insurance companies, windmill suppliers and independant service companies. Taking the latest innovations of our gearbox service experts, our goal is to get, often mission critical, gearboxes back into production at the shortest timespan possible. We have a winning track record in Hansen servicing! Having experience with a wide variaty of brands, we know the weakspots and strengths of any brand and can not only repair but often improve the reliability of any gearbox.
Our complete range of Hansen where we have made end-guarantee inspections
EF 901
EH 551
EH 552
EH 553
EH 801
EH 802
Brook Hansen EH 552 Since 4 years we have experience with serial overhaul of these gearboxes
Our technicians have a lot of experience with the overhaul of the Hansen EH 552 gearbox. They worked on an serial overhaul . If You are interested in an setup for serial overhaul, please contact us about the possibilities. We have seen different damages. Soon we will make an article about our experiences on this type of gearbox.Brook Hansen EH 552 drawingBrook Hansen EH 552 planetary systemBrook Hansen EH 552 insite viewBrook Hansen EH 552 damage 01Brook Hansen EH 552 damage 02Brook Hansen EH 552 damage 03
Our end-guarantee inspections
During the last few years our experts have performed many wind-energy gearbox inspections. All our inspections include an oil-analyses, visual inspections of the bearings and gears, temperature measurements and vibration measurements. We have executed this type of work on many wind farms mostly in Europe, at the highest safety and quality level. Our technicians have up-to-date training on safety and working at heights. Our inspection reports include the oil analyses, a schedule-drawing of the gearbox, pictures and data, and are all finalized with clear conclusions and advice.
Our Machine Diagnostics Technicians
Stefan van de Lavoir Walter Bonnier Dennis van Geemert Arjan Visser
Our Machine Diagnostics Technicians are trained as follows
  Safety Certificate VCA
Windturbine towerclimbing training
Advanced training vibration analyses
Applied diagnostic training from Bently Nevada
Oil analyses training
Our gearbox inspection reports
Our inspection equipment
  Videoscope - precision inspection of an gearbox
So contact us now, for your End of Warranty support request and be assured you will get the fasest, most reliable Gearbox service experts available!